Sustainability Institute ~
Postponed to 2023
Oglebay’s National Training Center is proud to introduce the NEW Sustainability Institute at Oglebay in Wheeling, WV.
Designed around the concepts developed by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and its Green Scientific Advisory Group, the Sustainability Institute teaches students how to create a sustainability plan for their institutions, while broadening their understanding of sustainable practices, and expanding their professional network.
Members of the AZA Green Scientific Advisory Group and park and recreation professionals have partnered with Oglebay and North Carolina State University to create a sustainability planning course that will simplify the process. The course is organized to highlight the big themes within a sustainability plan (reducing environmental impacts of utilities including, water, energy, waste) while also focusing on the softer skills needed to implement a successful plan including employee and stakeholder engagement.
Course Objectives
- Introduce terminology and concepts essential to organizational sustainability plans.
- Define metrics for tracking progress across categories such as energy, water, waste, etc.
- Organize utility data for a minimum of 12 months of bills to establish a baseline for each respective participating organization.
- Formulate a mission, vision, and goals within the categories explored.
- Draft a sustainability plan outline for organization.
- Establish a plan for gaining stakeholder feedback on draft of the plan.
Who Should Attend
This valuable training is ideal for professionals from zoos, aquariums, parks, and other public facilities.